{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "Lakeland10_EOP", "guid": "07D70692-B0B3-4C0C-8DFE-377D6DC72730", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This web service contains th edge of driven way in the Lakeland Electric Service District.", "description": "This web service contains th edge of driven way in the Lakeland Electric Service District.", "summary": "This web service contains th edge of driven way in the Lakeland Electric Service District.", "title": "ArcElecSymbology.mxd", "tags": [ "Edge of Pavement", "Misc Drivenway" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -82.0610284462819, 27.8655998562891 ], [ -81.65260049018, 28.2596216682567 ] ], "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_StatePlane_Florida_West_FIPS_0902_Feet", "accessInformation": "City of Lakeland GIS, Laura Castelnovo", "licenseInfo": "" }